Bembridges keelband has come adrift. Probably caused by hard beaching. I am working then away. It will be ten days before I can fix her. She needs to be turned and put on tressels. There are some in shed . Geoff
Bembridge is on the ground because:
1) Rachel read our insurance policy and it seems the boats are not insured when not on their trailers or on the ground;
2) One of the trestles is broken.
So...we will organise a work party for this weekend and get her fixed. I suggest Sunday before open rowing, say 15.00?
Anyone around then?
This is the relevant bit from the insurance policy ............
7. Trestles
When trestles are used to support a boat, they are
required to be in a fit state of repair and adequate for
the purpose intended.
Provided always that the boat must not be left:
1. unsecured when on trestles,
2. on trestles outside, overnight
We only found out about the trestles thing yesterday when Rachel mentioned she had read the insurance policy before taking a galley to Cork.
We can either use the trestles or Mike's steel ones on Sunday. As long as we don't do it overnight...
OK could anybody who is available on Sunday at 15.00 please come round to the boat park to turn Bembridge over and repair the keelband.
Then open rowing...then squad training. The weather is going to be lovely if a little breezy so see you there!
On Apr 11, 2015, at 10:02 PM, Chris Partridge [via Langstone Cutters RC] <[hidden email]> wrote:
OK could anybody who is available on Sunday at 15.00 please come round to the boat park to turn Bembridge over and repair the keelband.
Then open rowing...then squad training. The weather is going to be lovely if a little breezy so see you there!
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Just found them in the junk I have been meaning to sort out at the back of the shed.
Really rusty,I'll bring them anyway as next stop the dump!
.... Les ....😕