Sadly I have to advise that Ben Le Vay passed away very suddenly just before our Christmas Dinner . We raised a glass in his memory on 15 th December and our thoughts are with his family.
I received a very kind note from his family asking if anyone had any photos of Ben rowing with the club. If you have any images please can you send them to Rebecca Le Vay who would love to see them as Rebecca was aware Ben loved the harbour and the club . Please can they be sent to his daughter Rebecca
Have we received any details of funeral. I am sure there are some of us who would like to attend but do not have contact details with the family.
Mark Taylor
Phone 023 9248 4492
Mobile 0777 226 3299
I am sure that the club members will be interested in the details of Ben's funeral, so I have copied below the information I have from Rebecca.
Please note the request by Rebecca for advance warning on numbers attending.
The 27th is a Friday. I hope to attend and, since we probably will still be in "rail strike" mode, will drive up. Thus there will be spare seating in the car for anyone who wishes to attend. Just let me know.
Dear Nigel,
Thank you so much for your email. He used to come back so relaxed after a row with you all.
The funeral is on 27th January at 14:20pm at Guildford crematorium followed by a wake at The Inn on the Lake, Godalming. You are of course welcome and please pass on the information to anyone you think would like to come. I’m trying to keep a rough headcount so please feel free to pass on my email so people can rsvp.