Hi All
Ive just uploaded this chart as a number of Saturday's crew hadnt been in and around the islands before and i thought that a visual may further assist in getting to know that part of the harbour better.
As you can see after leaving Chichester harbour we journeyed past the oyster beds and headed North West across the dredger channel and up topwards the top of North Binness Island. We then rowed through the northern most channel passing between NB Island and Farlington Marshes. Having regrouped we stayed out in the deeper water and rowed southwards with NB Island on our left. We ignored the channel between NB Island and Long Island and rowed along the western side of Long Island, before re grouping and heading for home, as thousands of Dunlin and one Kingfisher spotted by eagle eyed Nigel danced in the late afternoon sunlight.
Needless to say, we ONLY attempt this excursion row in light winds and on a making tide ( tide coming in ) and ONLY with experienced coxes who know the islands and channels available to us.
Hope of interest.