This post was updated on .
Thank you for all those who have volunteered to help with catering for the AGM on Sat 28 Jan 23. Totting up expected numbers from Colin’s post of 11 Jan, plus a few extras, I think there will be around 50 of us. Based on your responses to help so far, please could you bring along the following or let me know otherwise.
- pan/casserole of beef chilli to serve about 6-8 - NIGEL, JAMES, KAREN, LYNNE AND CHRIS, CLAIRE, LIZ AND JOHN?
- Vegetarian Chilli - MARION
- non chilli alternative - flan/quiche - MARYLIN
- Bowl of Salads - RICHARD H - Green, MIKE B - mixed (with salad servers if poss)
- Baked Potatoes - COLIN
- Tortilla Chips and Soured Cream - PAUL B
Please make sure that any containers/dishes are clearly marked or easily recognisable so that they can be restored to their rightful owners on completion!
Any other volunteers for a salad or a desert or anything else you want to throw into the party?
If anyone has specific dietary requirements e.g GF/DF then please let me know how we can ensure you get to enjoy the food too!
I am grateful for and now have plenty of volunteers for extra pairs of hands to meet Geoff and I at the club at 6.00pm to help set up the room (and ovens etc switched on) (thank you Matt, Karen and Claire), and support in the galley / pot wash on the evening (thank you Matt, Mike, Karen and Anne). I look forward to seeing you at 6.30 with your lovely offerings for what should be a great start to the formal proceedings of the AGM.
If you haven’t signed up yet, then please do so on Colin’s post of 11 Jan.
Many thanks and any questions?
Please be aware that sadly i can no longer attend the AGM but Sue and Marion will coordinate catering arrangements etc on the night. Have fun!