Pete, I dont have a lot of knowledge of the oysters in our harbour today. I know that about 8 years ago, when we were still within the EU, a couple of French boats would visit Chi Harbour and dredge up oysters from the deep-water chanels. So I think these are Oysters in the wild. I dont believe there is any current cultivation of Oysters going on.
As you say, oysters are very good at cleaning water, but would one want to eat them afer they have done that cleaning job. Emsworth had a thriving Oyster industry until about 1906 when the Dean of Winchester suffered food poisoning after allegedly eating Emsworh Oysters. The link was never scientifically proven, but Emsworth village had just had all the houses linked up to a mains sewerage system as oposed to the previous earth clossets and cess pits. Unfortunately, the sewer just fed raw sewage into the area at the top of emsworth channel where all the nursery beds were for the cultivation of oysters. ALthough a couple of attempts have been made, Emsworth oysters have never really recovered.
I think the main source of UK oysters these days is Whitstable, so I guess they are well fed on effluent that flows out of Lonfon down the Thames Estuary.
Mark Taylor
Phone 023 9248 4492
Mobile 0777 226 3299