Club Excursion Row on SATURDAY 13th SEPTEMBER at 1-15pm
The weather for this week's Saturday row is forecast to be fairly good, with winds of about 9 mph from ENE and with bright sunshine (XC Weather) or very cloudy (interpolated MET Office), but with low probability of rain.
We shall gather at 1-15 and then decide on whether we go for a Caffeine and Carbohydrate fix, or give the GRR hounds a run for their money.
Either way, come dressed for the weather and don't forget that just because it is getting cooler doesn't mean that you may not need sun protection and water!
Please indicate, below, if you are likely to be coming (- and if there are any other factors that I may need to take into consideration).
Very cloudy
18°C ENE 9mph
Feels Like: 19°C
Afternoon:- HW CHI Bar 15:11 4.9 metres, range 4.0 metres
Very cloudy (or bright sun if you believe XC Weather)
20°C ENE 9mph gusting to 22mph
Feels Like: 22°C
Very cloudy
17°C ENE 9mph
Hi Nigel and Geoff
If no one else signs up for the Saturday row - would you like to combine with 3 of team Mabel (Jenny, Sue and myself) and row in Mabel. Our idea was to go down the harbour and back.