Cockleshell Heroes Challenge 20th and 21st May - Free Beer on Saturday !!!

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Cockleshell Heroes Challenge 20th and 21st May - Free Beer on Saturday !!!

Colin McPhee
 Dear All

Just undertaken an up date for next weekend now I have more clarity of the timings etc and I would say we have certainly enough to take two The Solent Galleys and form the Forum we have the following

Saturday - Sprint Racing which will start around 10 am so participants will need to roll up at around 9.15 . After the sprint racing there is a 3 mile race in Langstone Harbour starting at 12.30.After the racing   there is a free BBQ and free beer ( you will be asked to give a donation) and they have an evening planned with live music . I will post more this week

Tina Way
Andy Mac
Wendy H
Alison Kidd
Mike Gilbert

Any Changes please let me know

On the Sunday they are proposing a 7 mile race out to  one of the Forts and back . The race is expected to last up to 90 minutes and could be quite challenging . It will be weather dependent

The race starts at 10 am so we will have to be ready at ECA for 9 am on Sunday so would suggest leaving Langstone at 8.30

For this the following have signed up

Tina Way
Andy Mac
Steve Woods

12 in total which will mean we can run the two Galleys with 6 up and rotate as we do in the Great River rave and round Hayling

I will set out the boat teams later today/ tomorrow

We need to decide how the boats are getting to ECA - There is some thought they could be rowed over or failing that they will need to be loaded onto trailers and towed over with us on Saturday morning and Brought back on the Sunday . I will look at the options this evening and will post again later with any further updates I have

Best Wishes and please feel free to ask any questions etc



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Re: Cockleshell Heroes Challenge 20th and 21st May - Free Beer on Saturday !!!

Hi Colin
Im interested in the sprint racing on the Saturday, if you already full no worries I just come to support, or reserve.
Thanks Bobby
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Re: Cockleshell Heroes Challenge 20th and 21st May - Free Beer on Saturday !!!

Tina Way
Banned User
In reply to this post by Colin McPhee
Colin, as you have plenty of volunteers for Saturday, could I please be removed from the list?

Looking forward to Sunday.

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Re: Cockleshell Heroes Challenge 20th and 21st May - Free Beer on Saturday !!!

Tom Bennett
In reply to this post by Colin McPhee
If there a space I would like to have a go at anything on Saturday otherwise I'll come to support.
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Re: Cockleshell Heroes Challenge 20th and 21st May - Free Beer on Saturday !!!

Marilyn Rogers
In reply to this post by Colin McPhee
Have I left it too late to get a row on Saturday, I'll come and cheer anyway, Marilyn
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Re: Cockleshell Heroes Challenge 20th and 21st May - Free Beer on Saturday !!!

ron and cheryl
In reply to this post by Colin McPhee
Hi Collin, just posted Andy about Thursdays Row and I'm afraid it's the same for Saturday. I had to go to the docs today as I have been feeling quite poorly. It seems I have a chest infection and have to take steroids and anti-biotics so will not be able to row Saturday, sorry. I will be there with my trusty camera to record the day though. Sorry again ~ Ron ( Cheryl still wants to row please)
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Re: Cockleshell Heroes Challenge 20th and 21st May - Free Beer on Saturday !!!

In reply to this post by Colin McPhee
Morning Colin,  as you look to have full crews for both days, could you please remove my name from the lists.   good rowing to all!
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Re: Cockleshell Heroes Challenge 20th and 21st May - Free Beer on Saturday !!!

alison kidd
Hi Colin,

Sorry to mess things about but can I go back to my original plan of rowing on Sunday (if it goes ahead)?Now Teri isn't able to make it, that will put us back to two full galleys. I hadn't originally put my name down for Saturday anyway and as there are lots of rowers signed up it shouldn't make a difference if I'm not there?

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Re: Cockleshell Heroes Challenge 20th and 21st May - Free Beer on Saturday !!!

Lesley Kent-Brown
In reply to this post by Colin McPhee
Is it too late to sign up for Saturday? Lesley
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Re: Cockleshell Heroes Challenge 20th and 21st May - Free Beer on Saturday !!!

In reply to this post by Colin McPhee
I am very sorry but I am not clear are we staying on sat in Langstone Harbour ? shahnaz
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Re: Cockleshell Heroes Challenge 20th and 21st May - Free Beer on Saturday !!!

There is a music band to enjoy Saturday night, so if people want to stay or return they can.  The choice is yours. There maybe a gap between rowing and the start it that may just fill in with socialising, It the first time it has run so we are still not sure on the logistics.