Friday Morning (Tomorrow) 10.00 boat park. Row and Trailer stow

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Friday Morning (Tomorrow) 10.00 boat park. Row and Trailer stow

Steve Woods

Due to trailer access, time and tide it would be ideal to load as many Hamble Raid vessels as possible tomorrow and why not have a row as well and beer !

Please join:

Steve W.

Steve Woods
07876 889 887
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Re: Friday Morning (Tomorrow) 10.00 boat park. Row and Trailer stow

Chris Partridge
Thanks, Steve.
If we can get the job done on Friday we might be able to get a bit longer in bed on Saturday!
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Re: Friday Morning (Tomorrow) 10.00 boat park. Row and Trailer stow

In reply to this post by Steve Woods
I'm busy in the morning so I'm guessing I would miss the boat . Enjoy
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Re: Friday Morning (Tomorrow) 10.00 boat park. Row and Trailer stow

Matt O’Neill
In reply to this post by Steve Woods
I'm free from about 11:30, so will dive down and see if you still need a hand loading.
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Re: Friday Morning (Tomorrow) 10.00 boat park. Row and Trailer stow

Matt O’Neill
In reply to this post by Steve Woods
Sorry, running a bit late, but I'll still dive down as soon as I can, Matt