GRR 2024

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GRR 2024

Whilst Rachel is in charge of our GRR entry I have said I would look after coordinating the towing to and from London and the booking of towing and craning on the river.

So firstly looking for who will be the towers to and from London – I will look after Mable however we need volunteers for the other boats. I believe 3 towers needed; 1 for Gladys; 1 for the Double trailer and 1 for Sallyport. We can discuss when trailers are loaded nearer the event.

Also can the Captain of each crew (i.e. Colin – Gladys; Clare – Sweare Deep; Michael – Lady; and Marion - Sallyport) revert if they wish:
1 - their boat to be towed from Ham to the Start (cost £73.00 per boat).
2- to book to be craned at the launch (if you are being towed) or at the end post-race (cost £25.00 each crane session).
Tks all

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Re: GRR 2024

Phil P
Hi Keith
I will tow Sweare deep to Ham
Presume you will book the crane in and out
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Re: GRR 2024

In reply to this post by KeithY
 Here is Colin's previous post about towing.

 I am prepared to take the Friday off before the race  and tow the two galleys to the Isle of Dogs and get help to unload them . I would welcome a club member coming with me to help in case of problems.

We then have to drive through London and hopefully someone will pick us up at Ham and we can leave a car and trailer in ham over night ready to bring the boats back on Saturday.

The two Claydons and the Swear Deep should be taken to Ham and towed up the river . Certainly Gladys will be so that the crews just have to step aboard . Our crew so want want to have to carry the boat down the muddy slippery pontoon . I am sure Keith will want the same

Thanks Colin

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Re: GRR 2024

In reply to this post by Phil P
Tks Phil. I will do all the bookings once I know what's needed
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Re: GRR 2024

In reply to this post by Rachel
Tks Rachel.
I will book the towing. Can the crews advise if they wish to pay for the crane in and out
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Re: GRR 2024

Phil Hill
In reply to this post by KeithY
Hi Keith
Thanks for this
I spoke to Rachel and said I would be happy to collaborate and take both Sweare Deep and Slipper Spirit to Ham, we have a suitable double trailer.
If this can be arranged and is still ok with you we just need to coordinate the booking, unload and river tow etc.
I plan to travel up with the boats in tow on the Friday, I will stay with my son who lives in Kingston.
If you need to communicate off line my phone nr is 07768033205 and email
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Re: GRR 2024

Tks Phil. I will book the tow up the river for you and will send the towing form in due course which will need to be with the boat on the day. I just need to hear from the team on the crane charge.
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Re: GRR 2024

Claire Tomlinson
In reply to this post by KeithY
Keith can you remember what SD did last year? I know she was towed to start but no idea about cranes?
I think at end we were waiting for crane but you pulled boat out for us
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Re: GRR 2024

Claire Tomlinson
In reply to this post by KeithY
To confirm we will just need towing for SD
Unless you think we need a crane at start?
Hopefully enough others there to help get boats in water?
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Re: GRR 2024

Phil Hill
Thanks Claire
This is fine I will take SD & SS to Ham, if we coordinate our arrival I am sure we will all be able to work together to unload and launch.
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Re: GRR 2024

Claire Tomlinson
Thanks Phil
Hopefully enough people to help at Ham as well be on coach up on Saturday
Let me know if you think you’ll need some of crew there?
Thanks Claire
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Re: GRR 2024

Claire Tomlinson
In reply to this post by Phil Hill
Sorry Phil and Keith, think probably best if we pay for cranage.
At least we have the option even if we don’t use it.
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GRR 2024

In reply to this post by KeithY
So team the plan seems to be

Mabel - Keith towing to and from Ham. Tow up river required.  No crane. Team cost £73.00
Sweare Deep - Phil Hill towing to and from Ham. Tow up river required, crane required. Team cost £123.00
Gladys - TBA towing to and from Ham. Tow up river required. No crane. Team cost £73.00.
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Re: GRR 2024

Sallyport / Lady. Colin towing to and from London. No river tow and no crane.

I will do the forms and pay and get the club to rebate and charge the teams.

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Re: GRR 2024

Phil Hill
In reply to this post by KeithY
No has noted that the normal approach would be to tow to Millwall on Friday, unload the boats and take the trailer back to Ham.
I am new to all of this so advice and confirmation of the best approach would be appreciated
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Re: GRR 2024

Phil Hill
I am a new kid on the block and have picked up on a number of threads on different media.
I will take SD &SS to Ham they will then be towed to the start on the river.
I understand that numbers will be available on Saturday to lift from the river to the trailer. Do we just need to book a lift off the trailer on Friday for both SD & SS ?
What do I need to do regarding SS, do I book and pay or have you done this and if so how much do we need to  reimburse you? I have club account details.
I believe you have booked the trailer park again if this is the case we need to organise reimbursement of our share.
Sorry but I just need to ensure we cover all bases, happy to meet or have a chat on the phone.
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Re: GRR 2024

You can book a crane for the Friday but I tend to risk it. There are always lots of people around in the afternoon.  I will be there with 2 others about 3pm launching Mabel.

I don't know about SS or whose boat it is. I don't know SS entry number? Perhaps ask Rachel.

You would need to book a parking permit for Ham common which you can do on the GRR site. They are free but you need to put in your registration etc.

If you want to ring to discuss I am on 07720 894227.


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Re: GRR 2024

Phil P
In reply to this post by KeithY
Dear Keith
As you don’t need me to tow Sweare deep any more .
Do you want me to tow Gladys to Ham
Phil P
Too many Phils
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Re: GRR 2024

Tks Phil.
I understand Phil Hill is towing SD. Hope I have the right Phil.
Re Gladys can you liase with the crew captain as keen they decide on what their boat is doing. Colin McPee I believe.

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Re: GRR 2024

Phil Hill, Phil P, could you send me your email addresses as I have the towing forms.

Mine is