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Paula Bray
Hi the GRR junior girls, Molly, Claudia & Ayesha are keen to practice in Holly but as reported she has a flat & perished trolley wheel tyre so we could not move her.  Can someone advise who can fix it or whether there is another it can be replaced wit.  Not sure if this is something that Geoff can help with or whether Sadie has a spare.  Can someone advise please.

Paula x
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Mike Gilbert

Paula, it is Club policy or practice that privately owned boats like Holly, 15 Seconds and Kittiwake can only be stored on the boat park if they are made available for use by members.
So it is Sadies responsibility to repair the tyre. As it it mine and Ian's to repair the flat tyre on 15 Seconds road trailer.

Happy days...

On 15 Jun 2016 8:13 pm, "Paula Bray [via Langstone Cutters RC]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi the GRR junior girls, Molly, Claudia & Ayesha are keen to practice in Holly but as reported she has a flat & perished trolley wheel tyre so we could not move her.  Can someone advise who can fix it or whether there is another it can be replaced wit.  Not sure if this is something that Geoff can help with or whether Sadie has a spare.  Can someone advise please.

Paula x

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Chris Partridge
In reply to this post by Paula Bray
As a temporary measure you might be able to take one of the Teifis off its trailer and use that. Be sure to put everything back as you found it though...
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Paula Bray
Mike thanks for clarifying.  

Thanks for suggestion Chris - we are not likely to be out this weekend and we did try to switch trailers on our last attempt and could not lift Holly - not sure it is appropriate for girls of their age to be lifting boats in any event - let alone me.  If there is no alternative with the tyre then presume we could take 15 seconds until resolved or there are sufficient adults around to help us lift.

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Les Goodall
In reply to this post by Paula Bray
Hello Paula.
Can't promise that I can fix it but I'll have a look Thursday morning.
All the best ..... Les ..... 🌊🚣🌊
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Les Goodall
In reply to this post by Paula Bray
Hello Paula.
The tyre is perished but the tube seems to be OK.
Andrew took the wheel off I pumped it up and have put it back on.
Seems good to go.

Good luck with the grils....... Les .......
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Sadie snowdon
In reply to this post by Paula Bray
I will get a new tyre asap.  Unless you have time to pick one up I will pay for it


Sent from my iPhone

On 15 Jun 2016, at 20:13, Paula Bray [via Langstone Cutters RC] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi the GRR junior girls, Molly, Claudia & Ayesha are keen to practice in Holly but as reported she has a flat & perished trolley wheel tyre so we could not move her.  Can someone advise who can fix it or whether there is another it can be replaced wit.  Not sure if this is something that Geoff can help with or whether Sadie has a spare.  Can someone advise please.

Paula x

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Paula Bray
In reply to this post by Paula Bray
Thanks for the help all.  Sadie with regatta and RHI this weekend we wont be out or have time to purchase - if you could that would be great - let me know if not!
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Geoff 1/-
In reply to this post by Paula Bray
I'm away till Monday I will have a look at it then. Geoff
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Paula Bray
In reply to this post by Paula Bray
Hi Geoff/Sadie - can I check whether the tyre issue has been resolved?

Am away again next two weekends but anxious that the girls start to do some GRR practice if they can.
