HRR Well rowed Langstone Lady.

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HRR Well rowed Langstone Lady.

Andy Mac
This post was updated on .
No Tictacs nor Tactics from this crew other than to row their collective hearts out.

Big well done to my fantastic crew.

You were an absolute joy to cox and gave the River Raid 2016 your absolute everything.

Job done, chuffed and proud.

Hi Guys

As I am driving from and back to Arundel I will not be partaking of the beer tent sadly.

If anyone would like to enjoy a pint or three, I will happily give you a lift from the Mill and drop you back at Home in the Havant, Hayling, Emsworth areas.

Allowing for dry bags etc I have three places and can drive you to and from the Raid.

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Re: Lift available for HRR if you fancy a beer or three.

Oh yes please Andy as this leaves hubby with the car . Thank you very much !
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Re: Lift available for HRR if you fancy a beer or three.

In reply to this post by Andy Mac
yes please for me too. Thank you Jenny
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Re: Lift available for HRR if you fancy a beer or three.

In reply to this post by Andy Mac
Oh and Marion too please Thankyou
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Re: Lift available for HRR if you fancy a beer or three.

In reply to this post by Andy Mac
As Jenny says - yes please for me too. We can talk team tactics en route!
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Re: HRR travel for Dee, Jenny, Marion and Andy.

Andy Mac
In reply to this post by Andy Mac
So that's me, Dee, Jenny and Marion.
See you at the Mill team Langstone Lady.
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Re: HRR travel for Dee, Jenny, Marion and Andy.

Steve Woods
In reply to this post by Andy Mac
Tactics?  are they like a little white mint?
Steve Woods
07876 889 887
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Re: HRR travel for Dee, Jenny, Marion and Andy.

Andy Mac
This post was updated on .
No Tictacs nor Tactics from this crew other than to row their collective hearts out.

Big well done to my fantastic crew.

You were an absolute joy to cox and gave everything that you had to the River Raid 2016.

Job done.

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RE: HRR travel for Dee, Jenny, Marion and Andy.

And well done you Andy for such a good job at coxing us , we all had a great time . X

Date: Sat, 21 May 2016 12:54:16 -0700
From: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: HRR travel for Dee, Jenny, Marion and Andy.

No Tictacs nor Tactics from this crew other than to row their collective hearts.

Big well done to my fantastic crew.

You were an absolute joy to cox and gave everything that you had to the River Raid 2016.

Job done.

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Re: HRR Well rowed Langstone Lady.

In reply to this post by Andy Mac
Well done all - told you you'd be good!!!