Hi all,
This is the race rescheduled from November when it was cancelled due to bad weather.
Below is my original post most of which should be the same but don't count on the times or register for anything yet please, just post below if you are interested
Here is a link to Mike's excellent document with all the details of the event and a picture of the course. Please post below if you would like to take part.
Head of Harbour Race 2024There is a summary below in case you can't open the document for any reason ( do let me know ).
SATURDAY 23rd November will see the second 3 Harbours Rowing, “Head of the Harbour” Race. A celebration of coastal rowing across the Chichester, Langstone and Portsmouth Harbours… and Beyond…
This year the 3 Harbours “HoH” is hosted by Itchenor Sailing Club, with facilities for overnight accommodation, beach launching, trailer parking and a sheltered, but challenging, 10-kilometre course to the Chichester Harbour entrance and back.
Entry Fees: There is a charge of £15 per person entering the HoH this year – payable to ISC as above of which £5 goes to the developing 3 Harbours network to build capacity for supporting the growing coastal rowing experience across the region for all the 3 Harbours Rowing Clubs and visitors.
Supper: ISC are also offering a Supper and showing of the “Boys in the Boat” in the evening – details to follow.
09.00 Arrival, unloading and launching.
09.30 Coxswains Briefing.
10.00 Race 1: Women’s Handicap Race
12.00 Race 2: Men’s Handicap Race
14.00 Race 3: Mixed Handicap Race
Race starts will be staggered: Race order:
• 4-Skiffs & Claydons
• 4-oared Boats & Bursledon Gigs
• 4-oared Solent Galleys
• Celtic Longboats
• Cornish Pilot Gigs (Wooden and GRP)
• Coastal Quads
15.00. Racing finishes… Boats recovered and crews off the water.
15.30 Pennants Presentations: Sponsored by the Chichester Harbour Federation and presented by the ChiFed Chairman.
Fastest On Handicap:
Fastest in Boat Class.
Rachel and Vernon