LCRC Extraordinary General Meeting Mon 23 Sep at 1830
On behalf of the Committee, I have emailed all members with a notice for an EGM to be held on Mon 23 Sep at the Langstone Sailing Club starting at 1830. If you have not received the email then please do check your spam/junk folders or let me know if you wish me to send again.
Please could you post below if you are planning to attend the meeting so that we have an idea of expected numbers.
Hi Liz,
I can't give you a definite yes as I may be tied up but I will try to be there.
You are probably aware that LPGC also have their AGM on the same night.
Lesley G x
James - happy if you wish to send questions to me by email in advance - hopefully all will be covered to enable members to make decision on way forward.