Latest update - Dell Quay sundowner

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Latest update - Dell Quay sundowner

From the organisers...

Hi all, We’ve had an excellent response for the DQ Celtic Sundowner on Friday, and looks like we’ve now got nearly a full contingent with 6 Celtics now entered including CRA, CYC, Emsworth Slipper, Langstone, Itchenor, plus DQ ready for Friday. Hopefully next year with DQSC 100th anniversary we will have Emsworth Sailing club and possibly Bosham as well.

Whilst entry for rowers has closed, just a note that due to a slight technical hitch the food offer has changed to oven baked ratatouille etc, with bread and salads etc and a reminder that food bookings close tomorrow Tuesday 14 May for the event, please just follow

Please also remember that if coming by road whilst you can drop the boat and trailer off on the Quay, please then park your car on Dell Quay Road.

See you Friday and if you’re rowing back, please bring a torch……briefing 1730, races at 1815, 1845, 1915, prizes around 2000hrs and sunset is 2050hrs!!
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Re: Latest update - Dell Quay sundowner

Vernon Seddon
Rachel do you need a hand hooking up the trailer on Friday?
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Re: Latest update - Dell Quay sundowner

Hi Vernon, we have Chris, Lynn and Liz travelling with us so I think that should be enough to get the trailer down the slope. We will be at the boatpark at 4.15 so should be at Dell Quay for 5 to launch.
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Re: Latest update - Dell Quay sundowner

Rich Beard
In reply to this post by Rachel
I’ll be at Dell quay at 1630 hrs to help unload
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Re: Latest update - Dell Quay sundowner

In reply to this post by Rachel
Well what a great evening that was at Dell Quay! Really good to meet up with so many rowing chums from around the harbours. Thank you Rachel for making it happen and everyone else for making it such good fun😎

Oh and the new oars are awesome and no doubt contributed to our our excellent results.