Lost Cutters fleece

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Lost Cutters fleece

Hi all,
      I lost my navy Cutters fleece sometime over the Skiff Open rowing weekend, last seen on the wall outside Mike's. If you were there could you check you don't have two please? It does have my initials ( RJN ) on the left corner of the label at the back of the neck but you need pretty good eyesight to spot them!
Thanks, Rachel
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Re: Lost Cutters fleece

Rachel I noticed one in the cupboard in the garage today.  I did think Mike said he had one too.

Christine Ball MCSP

On 20 Oct 2015, at 19:13, Rachel [via Langstone Cutters RC] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi all,
      I lost my navy Cutters fleece sometime over the Skiff Open rowing weekend, last seen on the wall outside Mike's. If you were there could you check you don't have two please? It does have my initials ( RJN ) on the left corner of the label at the back of the neck but you need pretty good eyesight to spot them!
Thanks, Rachel

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Re: Lost Cutters fleece

In reply to this post by Rachel
Hi Christine, sadly the one in the cupboard is a small and has been there for ages. The other top Mike had wasn't a fleece .....so still lost :-(