Mid week row Wednesday 21st

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Mid week row Wednesday 21st

Barry Scott
The tides this week are difficult for a row from the Mill.
As an alternative we can row the Skiffs from Northney Marina.
I propose a row down to Marker and check out the sand banks off Thorney Island for basking seals.
If time allows we can then make for Emsworth and have tea.
Meet at 13:30 please, let me know if you are interested?

The weather forecast at the moment is not too bad, 13degC, Dry and 12mph west wind.
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Re: Mid week row Wednesday 21st

Les Goodall
Hi Barry,
Might have to sort some fenders,oars,rudder,etc etc.
But I'm up for it .see you there.
.... Les ..... 🚣
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Re: Mid week row Wednesday 21st

Andy Mac
In reply to this post by Barry Scott
Great idea Barry
Yes please
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Re: Mid week row Wednesday 21st

Barry Scott
In reply to this post by Barry Scott
Hi Guys

I have just checked the weather again and it now looks like Wednesday is going to be wet and windy. Seemly the Jet Stream is on the move.
So I suggest we go for a Tuesday row, same plan, but at meeting the Marina at 11.00.
Hope that is good for you guys?
