Our Boat Park

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Our Boat Park

Lesley Kent-Brown
Good morning Cutters,
I thought you'd be interested to hear that Marilyn has been chatting to Sally Leslie, who owns the Mill.  We were concerned that she and Richard may have heard rumours in the village about our rowing club moving and be upset.  Her reply was 'Regarding the Cutters, we are very happy for them to stay put and enjoy seeing all the comings and goings.  The only small proviso is the when the tide is in, the High Street is for residents to park, not rowers!'
I know this doesn't resolve our longterm future, but it certainly allays our fears about the near future!
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Re: Our Boat Park

Tks Lesley. What good people and what a lovely position to be in.
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Re: Our Boat Park

Liz Walmsley
In reply to this post by Lesley Kent-Brown
Great that we have their support for the time being.  It really is appreciated.
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Re: Our Boat Park

Wendy and Stephen
In reply to this post by Lesley Kent-Brown
Thanks Lesley and Marilyn,  great news 👍 🚣‍♂️🚣‍♀️
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Re: Our Boat Park

Claire Tomlinson
In reply to this post by Lesley Kent-Brown
That’s good to hear. Does that mean we can stop negotiations with LSC and just stay where we are?
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Re: Our Boat Park

That’s great ,plus  puts a lot of minds at peace worrying about the future
Well done you two , great to know it can carry on as before
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Re: Our Boat Park

Greg Spencer
In reply to this post by Lesley Kent-Brown
Well done Lesley to take the opportunity, thank you for the news and great to hear the continued goodwill Mill / Boat Park / LCRC relationship. Greg
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Re: Our Boat Park

Mark Taylor
I don't think anyone had any doubt about the short term future of our boat park.  We do,  indeed  have a wonderful relationship with the owners.  This was never in question.

The current working group, pulled from a wide range of members, are in discussion with LSC looking at the long- term future of rowing in Langstone.

The ownership of the Mill WILL change one day. The work going on now,  in line with the wishes of 73% of the members at the EGM, is to investigate that future security.
Mark Taylor
Phone 023 9248 4492
Mobile 0777 226 3299
Email md_taylor@live.co.uk
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Re: Our Boat Park

Tks Mark. Whilst I agree with the work I think the word may rather than will should be used. Let's enjoy the welcoming security we so kindly are given.