Puffin Island 29th June 2024

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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Pete Reed
The most difficult thing to organise will be accomodation so please start investigating so we are ready once we are able to enter.

I have Nigel towing one boat. Is anyone else able to take the second one?
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Alison b
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Yes that's correct my name is alison bents
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Steph Savill
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Sorry Pete did not give my number but I am on the WhatsApp group.

Thanks for organizing Sounds like fun

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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Steph Savill
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Good morning Pete

Sorry to let you down but I am pulling out of the trip.
Thank you for all your efforts in putting this together.

Hope you all have a great time 😍
