Puffin Island 29th June 2024

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Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Pete Reed
This post was updated on .
The date has now been announced as above starting from 9.00am.
Please post below if you are interested in this trip and the date is good
No details on closing date for entries yet but please advise soon so we are ready to enter.
It is a 10 mile course around Puffin Island from Beaumaris

Also need to know if anyone can tow the boats.
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Alison b
Hi Pete
I'd be very interested in doing this...sounds great.
Many thanks for organising
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

In reply to this post by Pete Reed
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Rich Beard
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
I’m up for Peter. Thanks. Rich
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Lesley Grainger
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Hi Pete,
I'm registering an interest please.
Lesley x
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Susan Wagg
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Yes please
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Matt O’Neill
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Hi Pete,
Yes please for me.
Thanks, Matt
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Claire Tomlinson
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
I’m interested,  but away at moment so will need to check dates etc when home
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Pete Reed
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Also can anyone please let me know if they can tow the boats
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Pete, I believe Puffin is a Celtic only race.
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Pete Reed
Hi Michael
I queried this with Beaumaris Rowing Club and they confirmed that other boats are eligible as long as they are seaworthy enough
As soon as they have posted race details I will check again.
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Very interested and hopefully available
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Rich Beard
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Can’t tow but happy to help with logistics Peter
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Registering an interest, and would probably be able to tow either SWeare Deep or Gladys.

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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Steph Savill
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Hi Pete

I am interested in this please but would prefer Gladys or Mabel to row in.
Will there be 6 in boats to swop around.

What would the plan be for us if it goes ahead, is it done in one day or a stay over.

Thanks for organizing Pete
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Pete Reed
Hi Steph
As it's a 6 hour drive (and probably longer with towing) I would anticipate at least two night stay but I have no details on that yet.

Currently it looks like 2 boats so probably SWeare Deep and a Claydon.

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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Pete Reed
In reply to this post by Rich Beard
Thanks Rich
Logistics help would be great
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Matt O’Neill
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Hi Pete,
Like Rich, I’m very happy to help you out with anything needed in order to make this row happen. It’s a new one to our club, so let’s all pull together to get it off the ground and in the diary on a regular basis.
Just shout if you need anything mate….and esp. if you need anything raised or any support from the committee to make this happen!
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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Pete Reed
Thanks Matt.

I propose a WhatsApp group for easier communication.

Please let me know if you DO NOT want to do this

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Re: Puffin Island 29th June 2024

Pete Reed
I have phone numbers for Alison (Bents?), Matt O'Neill, Claire Tomlinson and Nigel Armstrong.
Could everyone else please send me their phone numbers to 07812 133773?