Race Cox Coaching

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Race Cox Coaching

Michael Gilbert
Greg has set up a Celtic session at 4pm on Friday 31st at Northney, using the CRAC boat Captain Tim, to go thorough the practice of buoy turns;  race starts and 'staying out of trouble'.
4 seats available to row for Greg if interested. Mike
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Re: Race Cox Coaching

Paul Bennett
Not sure of the intent of this, but if there is room, I would like to join.
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Re: Race Cox Coaching

Hi all, I think there is some confusion about this post. Mike is running this session at Greg's request. Please post to join in if you'd like some buoy turn practise especially useful for the Celtic races
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Re: Race Cox Coaching

Matt O’Neill
In reply to this post by Michael Gilbert
Yes please Mike, I’d be very interested to keep learning.
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Re: Race Cox Coaching

In reply to this post by Michael Gilbert
Me too, please.
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Re: Race Cox Coaching

Michael Gilbert
In reply to this post by Michael Gilbert
As Rachel said, this is an Academy session requested by Greg to explore and practice race starts, race buoy turns and other aspects of racing Celtics - as guided by Welsh Sea Rowing...

With Greg,  Paul, Matty, Nigel and another rower from CRAC, this session is now full....

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Re: Race Cox Coaching

In reply to this post by Michael Gilbert
Id be interested in this if you hold another one in the future
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Re: Race Cox Coaching

Michael Gilbert
In reply to this post by Michael Gilbert
Team, I have been out a couple of times today..  Northerly wind F5  gusting F6... not conducive to coaching race training... so this is postponed.

I will get together with Greg and find another time next week...  Mike