Round Hayling crews - and payment details

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Round Hayling crews - and payment details

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Hi all,  
       Here are the crews for the Round Hayling race.

Please could you pay your entrance fee of £12 directly to
Langstone Adventure Rowing
Account number: 89650522
Sort Code: 60 - 10 - 20

Mark T - captain
Rich B
Vernon S
Chris M
Dave M
Peter R

Langstone Lady
Michael B - captain
Tom B
Lesley K
Joan S
Marilyn R
Mike L

Sue L - captain
Jenny M
Heather G
Jackie H
Peter L
Chris W

Reserve Greg

Thank you!

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Re: Round Hayling crews - and payment details

Mark Taylor
Thanks Rachel. I have paid
Mark Taylor
Phone 023 9248 4492
Mobile 0777 226 3299
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Re: Round Hayling crews - and payment details

Chris Waterworth
In reply to this post by Rachel
Thanks Rachel, I’ve now paid.
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Re: Round Hayling crews - and payment details
In reply to this post by Rachel
Payment made
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Re: Round Hayling crews - and payment details

Jackie Harper
In reply to this post by Rachel
I paid too... thanks
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Re: Round Hayling crews - and payment details

Vernon Seddon
In reply to this post by Rachel
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Re: Round Hayling crews - and payment details

Sue Loveridge
In reply to this post by Rachel
Sue and Peter paid.
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Re: Round Hayling crews - and payment details

Chris Murray
In reply to this post by Rachel
Thanks Rachel - paid
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Re: Round Hayling crews - and payment details

Heather Green
In reply to this post by Rachel
Paid - many thanks Rachel.
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Re: Round Hayling crews - and payment details

Marilyn Rogers
In reply to this post by Rachel
Payment made marilyn
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Re: Round Hayling crews - and payment details

Rich Beard
In reply to this post by Rachel