The Weather forcast for Sunday is Dry, sun/cloud and very low winds of variable direction. There is a lot of interest in this first rower improver session. I have structured crews to give a balance of experienced and novice rowers and have mentioned in the lists below what people are looking to get out of the session.
Rows will be relativelys short, the emphesis is on technique and learning rather than endurance. I would like both Claydons in use as these really are the best craft for teaching due to stability and space to move around. So please can we have all hands to help getting Gladys in the water (Mabel is already on her mooring)
Please be aware that if anyone is undergoing instruction in coxing, if the captain of the boat, for reasons of safety, wishes to take over, all rowers must obey orders of the captain. There is still space for extra rowers if they want to come along.
HW is 09:30 at 4.0 mtrs
Mark (Captain)
John D - coxing and stroke + experienced rower
Sue W - coxing and feathering + experienced rower
Heather - technique
Steph - technique
Frances (Captain)
Mo - Experienced rower
Marilyn - Experienced rower
Jo - Technigue
Gill -Technique
Galley 1
Tom (Captain)
Lyn M - Experienced rower
Paul - technique
Roger - technique
Dee - technique
Galley 2
Chris M (Captain)
Pete - experienced rower
Maureen - experienced rower
Jane - technique
Greg - coxing
Mark Taylor
Phone 023 9248 4492
Mobile 0777 226 3299