SWeare Deep Crew booking Wed 7 Aug 11.45

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SWeare Deep Crew booking Wed 7 Aug 11.45

Sweare Deep's GRR Crew, plus some extras to make up numbers,  would like to book her out as above Weds 7 Aug, meet 11.45, away by noon.
So we'd like to book her out of any excursion row, should it happen on the same day, please
If all goes to plan,  we may meet with Slipper & CRA Celtics on the water. Crew for this is
Lynn M
Caroline Mc
Liz W
Jo K
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Re: SWeare Deep Crew booking Wed 7 Aug 11.45

Just posting to move this up the forum
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Re: SWeare Deep Crew booking Wed 7 Aug 11.45

In reply to this post by Frances
Crew, we are watching the weather for wind at the moment,  and the other Celtics are as well.
The reps from the group of boats are going to confer and decide tomorrow morning.
Please check here on Wednesday, tomorrow, morning before leaving home in case of cancellation
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Re: SWeare Deep Crew booking Wed 7 Aug 11.45

In reply to this post by Frances
Hello All
The wind is getting up,  and forecast to continue to do so.... there's been a consultation between lead participants,  and as you can imagine, there's a reluctance not to go at all and just scrap it.
So Kay from CRAC suggested a modified version, not heading to HISC...we could all meet as planned at the bottom of Emsworth channel,  row down a little,  stay together,  radio contact etc (Channel P4)... then those happy with this could head to Emsworth for coffee,  and take our coffees up to the Slipper Clubhouse balconyfor a social.

It would be a shame not to go out at all.  Please post to say you've read and are happy with proposal. Anyone concerned, please say.
Otherwise meet 11.40/ 11.45...
We may have to get SD off the road trailer after the Tudor event,  I'm not sure, so may take a little longer
Thank you
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Re: SWeare Deep Crew booking Wed 7 Aug 11.45

Liz Walmsley
Hi Frances - I am up for it!
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Re: SWeare Deep Crew booking Wed 7 Aug 11.45

Caroline M
In reply to this post by Frances
Ok with me
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Re: SWeare Deep Crew booking Wed 7 Aug 11.45

In reply to this post by Liz Walmsley
Sounds lovely
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Re: SWeare Deep Crew booking Wed 7 Aug 11.45

We put Sweare Deep on her dolly when we got back on Saturday