I am on duty elsewhere until 2:30 earliest, with about a half hour travelling time on top, so would have difficulty in getting there for 3 ~ but am willing to try to get there ASAP if it helps the numbers.
Hi Chris
David from Torridge who rowed with us in Morbihan is on Hayling Island from 7th June and would love to join the Cutters for a row.
If you have a spare seat please let me know. (Me too if two spare seats!)
Great, it looks like we could have the full crew available - Nigel might be running a little late - so let's meet at 1500 on Friday 9 June for a bit of a practice. Cheers, Chris
Hi Pete.
It looks like we have the full crew available for our practice row on Friday 9th and I'm assuming Swearedeep has as well, but there are other boats available so it might be worth widening the invite and getting another crew or more together? Chris
Hi Chris, Having said I could make it by hiding from my boss, unfortunately I need to retract that. I now need to stay at work, which means I can only get to the practice by 5pm earliest. Really sorry about that. Heather G