This post was updated on .
Light NW winds, 15 degC, sunny and a reasonable time of day for high tide.....what's not to like?
Sign up in the usual way.
Remember that temperatures are now a little lower, so dress appropriately and bring a drink (though we will likely be making a stop at a watering hole somewhere).
For the purists:-
HW 16:56, 3.9m, coefficient 33 (I.e. Very little difference between low water and high water levels, resulting in very low tidal flow rates).
Tide time allowance at Langstone: approx. +10 mins.
Sunset 19:14 Closing time of John's Cafe ca 17:00 Closing time of Flintstones 16:00
Chance of catching a fish for your supper: moderate, but only if you are not rowing with us!
Reason for not organising a row on Sunday :-) .....
...well, one is that I shall be on duty when Stansted House is open (FREE !!!) from 1300 to approx. 1600 so that people can not only see the House (and Chapel) but also SIGN A BOOK OF CONDOLENCES FOR THE QUEEN..