Saturday Excursion Row, 15th April - meet at 1300hrs

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Saturday Excursion Row, 15th April - meet at 1300hrs

In spite of the plethora of recent rows I'm sure there will be enthusiasts-a-plenty intent on making best use of the Easter week.........the weather is forecast to be quite nice (if a little cool - the air and sea temperatures will just about match one another on Saturday!) and a convenient HW at 3pm means we can decide on the day as to the destination.
    If you are interested please sign up here in the usual way,
                                                 not forgetting to bring warm gear,
                                                                                             a drink
                                                                                                   and your own good spirits!
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Re: Saturday Excursion Row, 15th April - meet at 1300hrs

ron and cheryl
Yes please Nigel, Ron and Cheryl for this ~ Cheers
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Re: Saturday Excursion Row, 15th April - meet at 1300hrs

Les Goodall
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by nigel
Hello Nigel.
Yes please from me.
..... Les ....🌊🚣🌊 ....
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Re: Saturday Excursion Row, 15th April - meet at 1300hrs

In reply to this post by nigel
yes please for me as well