Saturday Row, 10 January 12 noon.

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Saturday Row, 10 January 12 noon.

The forecast for Saturday is threatening to be windy, could be force 5 or 6, so this announcement is really only a hoped-for plan, which may have to be cancelled, or curtailed on the morning of the event. So if you'd like to sign up, please remember to check this space late Saturday morning, for any updates or cancellations.

Depending on the conditions, we could try for a row down towards Marker and then home, in the lee of Hayling, with optional beer at Royal Oak afterwards. It'll be a hard pull back...
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Re: Saturday Row, 10 January 12 noon.

ron and cheryl
Hi Francis, will you please put Cheryl and me down for the row on Saturday, thanks. Fully understand the possibility of cancellation. All the best ~ Ron
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Re: Saturday Row, 10 January 12 noon.

Chris Partridge
In reply to this post by Frances
I'll be there, please - after I have put another coat of varnish on the boat.
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Re: Saturday Row, 10 January 12 noon.

Steve Woods
In reply to this post by Frances
Francis, Yes please,  Steve
Steve Woods
07876 889 887
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Re: Saturday Row, 10 January 12 noon.

In reply to this post by Frances
Seems that you may have room for a small one, if so, yes please. Tim
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Re: Saturday Row, 10 January 12 noon.

and just in case someone doesn't materialise, include me in the (possible) lineup.....please!
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Re: Saturday Row, 10 January 12 noon.

In reply to this post by Frances
P.S.   ......just to add to the general gloom about tomorrow.....
Langstone Harbour has informed me of multiple releases of untreated sewerage at Budds Farm following rain the night before last.....Their view is that you paddle at your own risk.

Don't get paranoid about it always being "us" near the Budds Farm (Langstone harbour) and Appledram (Chichester harbour) sewage treatment plants....LOOK what the lower Thames users are being told!!!.....
The guide for kayaking on theThames has this information.

The Tidal Thames is much cleaner than it used to be and most of the time any pollution
is a low level risk. After heavy/prolonged rainfall, raw sewage is often released into the
river from combined sewage outflows. Avoid canoeing when pollution is likely and a
possible risk to health increased. A visual check of the river will generally provide a
good indication if it’s polluted evident by excess litter and debris as will the river tending
to have a greasy brown film on the surface from sewage discharges. Pollution alerts
can be received from Thames Water. The risk of Weil’s disease from rodents is
increased in all rivers after heavy rainfall. <<<<
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Re: Saturday Row, 10 January 12 noon.

Hello all
This is a cancellation message, which I think jf you look at the marine forecast, you'll hopefully agree is the right decision.It is force 7/8, gusting 9 at he moment, and  although the wind will be decreasing through the morning, the inshore forecast is for force 6, gusting 8 later, sea state rough or very rough...
What with this, and Nigel's sh*t warning, I think we'd be well advised not to set out.
Today's Saturday row is officially cancelled due to bad weather safety concerns.
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Re: Saturday Row, 10 January 12 noon.

Steve Woods
Francis, Thank you, see you this evening. Steve
Steve Woods
07876 889 887
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Re: Saturday Row, 10 January 12 noon.

ron and cheryl
In reply to this post by Frances
Many thanks Francis, better safe than sorry. Having just retired, I don't want to be back in the sh*t again.
All the best ~ Ron
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Re: Saturday Row, 10 January 12 noon.

In reply to this post by Frances
Frances you have got it spot on I have just got back from the Gigs and it was a real struggle, see you all tonight.

