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The Saturday row this week is to attend and row in the RNLI 150 celebrations at Hayling Lifeboat Station. the following have signed up to take part: Richard, Dee, Andy, Lesley, Nigel, June, Chris, Graham, Ron, Cheryl, Jenny, Marcus, Christine, Matt, Alison, John and Jane. There is one space remaining if you would like to come. We will meet at 8.15am at the boatpark to load the boats and trailer them to the lifeboat station. After the event ends we hope to either row back round Haylig sea front and Langstone Harbour or row towards Bosham and then back to the mill. We do need two towers - any offers please. Can I suggest that we pay £2 pin money to cover fuel for towers too. Please wear cutters kit as I hope the press may be there and we can get some free publicity. Do watch this post during the week for updates. cheers richard |
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I can tow the single trailer.
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Hi Richard,
I'd intended to offer to tow, but am now unable to drive (as well as row) so can't be of help. Hope you can adjust the rowing rota OK. |
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In reply to this post by Chris Partridge
Hi Chris
Many thanks cheers Richard |
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In reply to this post by Nigel
No prob Nigel
Hope you are OK |
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In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
Hi Richard,
If you are still looking for someone I would like to come. Regards, Al |
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Richard can you let Al have my place as my knees are giving me a bit of trouble? Graham Sent from my iPad
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In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
id like to come along if numbers fit cheers len
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In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
Hi Richard i would love to join if any space
shahnaz |
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In reply to this post by Alan Harding
Hi Alan
Yes do come and take Graham's place see you Saturday Richard |
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Hi Len and Shahnaz
Yes you are both very welcome I don't suppose either of you tow do you? cheers Richard |
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no sorry i cant tow
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In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
Dear Richard very sorry I can not tow
give me bit time , may be next year :) Shahnaz |
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In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
HI Richard- Alistair (husband) is happy to tow- as long as there is no reversing involved!
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Hi Richard,
I would be happy to tow if I had a car with a towbar! Thank you Jane for offering your husband! Alison |
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This post was updated on May 05, 2016; 10:42am.
The team for Saturday is Richard, Dee, Andy, Lesley, June, Chris, Ron, Cheryl, Jenny, Marcus, Christine, Matt, Alison, John, Jane, Shahnaz, Alan and Len. Can we meet at 8.15am prompt at the boat park to load the boats. Chris and Colin have kindly offered to tow. From there we will drive down to Hayling RNLI. We will then unload the boats. There is a ceremony to celebrate 150 years of Hayling RNLI before the row past. Afterwards we will either row back via Hayling seafront (weather dependent and not looking promising at the moment) or row up towards Bosham and then back to Langstone. Please bring sunblock, plenty of water, a waterproof a spare layer and a packed lunch. Look forward to seeing you all on Saturday richard |
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Life jackets needed as we are rowing along the seafront ?
Cheers Dee |
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If you have one do bring it but not compulsory
cheers richard |
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This post was updated on May 07, 2016; 8:15pm.
In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
What a super day Richard. Many many thanks for organizing such a memorable and hugely enjoyable event. Big thanks in particular to Colin and Chris as well for towing. A great day and a very great and happy team.
Best Andy |
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