Shelly's coffee morning

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Shelly's coffee morning

Just a quick reminder - tis Shelley's Macmillan Coffee Morning over at unit 3 (Northney Marina) this coming Saturday  ( 26 September) from 10.30am through to around 2pm. .......... and there will be cake - lots of cake!!!

 High water's at mid-day (ish) ........ so maybe we should have a cake row????

Sound like a plan - anyone interested??
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Re: Shelly's coffee morning

Great idea Teri, but am afraid I am away this weekend. Marion x
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Re: Shelly's coffee morning

Richard Harrison
In reply to this post by Teri
Yes Teri - Yes I think we should support Shelley's coffee morning.  We should row down the harbour tehn call in at Northney on the way back fro cake etc.  sound good to me
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Re: Shelly's coffee morning

Steve Woods
In reply to this post by Teri
Hi Teri, Richard

Please feel free to go ahead and co-ordinate this one.  I had HW 10.44hrs 4.8m ? Thoughts :  I would be concerned if the Galleys were beached on the North slip shore as it is harsh there and wonder if pontoon docking would be the best plan and given the occasion wondered if the Marina would facilitate FOC as would only be for maybe an hour max?. If not can they be lifted up on the slip ?


Steve Woods
07876 889 887