Solo GB 2K c/wise unsupported James Ketchell

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Solo GB 2K c/wise unsupported James Ketchell

Steve Woods

You may like to look up and follow his progress He is an ambassador for Over the wall based locally,a great charity that I have encountered professionally.

Pondering the possibility of encouraging him as he rows past Hayling if time and tide permit. He left St Catherine's Dock 25th and currently Dover ?. Maybe buddy up with Eastney and take a Gig out of one of the harbours ( sounds like another round Hayling opportunity?)   Galleys if the weather fare enough  

Steve Woods
07876 889 887
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Re: Solo GB 2K c/wise unsupported James Ketchell

Andy Mac
What an extraordinary guy.

Many thanks for sharing that Steve and wouldnt it be great if tides, weather and time allowed us to hook up with him and cheer him along our patch.

I would be very much up for that Gig or Galley.

Cheers, Best
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Re: Solo GB 2K c/wise unsupported James Ketchell

Matt O’Neill
In reply to this post by Steve Woods
Me too, for a "meeting up" row if possible, please.
As Andy said, extraordinary guy and an inspiration to us all.
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Re: Solo GB 2K c/wise unsupported James Ketchell

ron and cheryl
In reply to this post by Steve Woods
Hi Steve, Cheryl and I would love to do this but have couple of dates in July when not available ~ Cheers
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Re: Solo GB 2K c/wise unsupported James Ketchell

In reply to this post by Steve Woods
I'm interested Steve .
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Re: Solo GB 2K c/wise unsupported James Ketchell

In reply to this post by Steve Woods
HI Steve, I would love to join,
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Re: Solo GB 2K c/wise unsupported James Ketchell

Chris Partridge
In reply to this post by Steve Woods
I would certainly like to cheer him on if we can. He seems to be stuck at Dover at the moment - see his Twitter feed at

If we monitor his progress we might be able to tow down to Hayling Lifeboat Station, launch there if they are amenable, say hi as he passes and row back. He is relying on the tide to assist him which means he will be rowing on the ebb, so timing will be of the essence.
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Re: Solo GB 2K c/wise unsupported James Ketchell

In reply to this post by Steve Woods
Hi Steve I'd be interested in rowing down to support him if I'm not working. Kate