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Calling all Cutters. Especially the tribe of “Cutter Towers”.
New year, new start. 1. In an attempt to save the brick inventory of Langstone Harbour. We now have some wooden chocks attached to the Gladys and Mabel trailers which can be used and hung on the trailers between rows. We also have two tyres to place the trailers wheels on when not in use in the yard. 2. Each trailer now has a clearly labelled holder which contains a Towing Grab Bag…spare jack/spare tyre wrench/strops and bungees ( where relevant) and spare travelling chocks. Any other spares are in the bosun box. 3. The towing boards for each trailer are marked now with relevant towing cable advice. (PLEASE NOTE…IF YOU ARE A TOWER WE HAVE ONE EXTENSION CABLE I CAN FIND AT THE MOMENT. I KNOW OTHERS ARE OUT THERE, BUT I HAVENT TRACKED THEM DOWN YET…). There is still work in process to work on Gladys and Mabel trailers. Thank you for taking time to read this very dull post. If you are tower please feel free to message me with any questions or ideas if you think I’ve missed anything Rich |
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Thank you Rich and Geoff for all you are doing, very much appreciated.
Vernon |
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In reply to this post by Richb
Thank you, much appreciated. Couple of questions:
Would like some instruction on attaching the trailers to vehicle tow bar, as Matt and I found out the hard way on the Hamble river slipway that the Celtic trailer and the Claydon trailers have subtle differences with hitch and jockey wheel mechanism. Also, have you come across my car nbr plate by any chance! Thanks again, Chris W. |
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Great feedback Chris. I’m sure a member on the site can assist with this one. On the other matter gimme a call mate. I may have an answer
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In reply to this post by Chris Waterworth
Each hitch is slightly different and I think the only way to be certain is to bring the car round and practise with each of them.
Happy to help if you do Pete |
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Good idea Pete, we can maybe arrange something when we next meet 😊
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In reply to this post by Richb
Thank you so much Rich. This should relieve any pre tow and launching faffing enormously.
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In reply to this post by Richb
Great work Rich. Thank you 🙏
Lesley G x |
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In reply to this post by Richb
Ahoy Cutters and Cutter Towers
FYI. Notwithstanding kit regular towers have… All the towing / trailer kit is now at Marilyn’s for safe keeping. 1. The grab bags for towing are all labelled up with sufficient strops and bungees for each boat..i think. 2. All the light boards we have are with the grab bags and marked up so that you can work out which will need extension leads. 3. We have two extension leads and strop pads if needed. 4. We have chocks for all trailers and travel chocks for Gladys and Mabel 5. Gladys now has the spare on the trailer and I’m waiting for the new roller for Mabel 6. All flags and pennants are also with the trailer kit in the barn and labelled up for each boat. 7. All trailers now have jockey wheel plates to put them on whilst in the yard as this should keep them in better condition. If we can remember to use them that would be cool. Thanks to all those that have given me feedback and help with sorting this. I’d encourage anyone who may tow or regularly races to have a visit to the barn and see what’s missing or could be better. See you on the water Rich
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