The Blessing of the Boats Ceremony Sunday March 22nd
1 post
HW 12.28 Height Springs 4.96m
The traditional start of the rowing season commences on Sunday March 22nd with the Blessing of the Boats at 11.45 a.m. We will be welcoming the newly appointed Rector of St Faiths, Canon Tom Kennar, to conduct the Ceremony.
The Cutters are to meet at 10.30 to ready and prepare the boats.
The tide is expected to be unusually high at the weekend when the moon will be at its closest to Earth for the last 18 years. We will need to be mindful of the tidal water overflowing the footpath. In addition, the boats will need to have all their fenders out to prevent any damage. Let us hope the weather will be kind to us again.
Re: The Blessing of the Boats Ceremony Sunday March 22nd
29 posts
Point to ponder for next year. Do we have to put the boats at risk again so the Connon can do his bit?
Let's think out of the box and choose an easier tide. Geoff
Re: The Blessing of the Boats Ceremony Sunday March 22nd
40 posts
Could we get around the problem by arranging the Rector to do his job a bit earlier, before the height of tide makes life difficult??? Then we can all go out rowing until the tide drops to a convenient level for use of the dollies and trolleys on our return............!
By the way, I think that Les may be being a bit cautious in the tidal prediction for Sunday. The Admiralty predict a 5.2 metre tide, {with a range of between 4.6 and 4.9 metres!}
The moon, however, isn't at its closest when the maximum local tidal effects are noted (-usually they are about two to three days later.) viz. this month the Moon's closest distance is predicted as:-
Thursday Mar 19 7:29 PM 357,578 km 222,189 mi {tidal range 4.3 metres}
but on Sunday Mar 22 {tidal range ca. 4.6 to 4.9 metres}
though this isn't its closest for this year. We had a closer approach in February....
Thursday Feb 19 7:22 AM 357,006 km 221,833 mi
and the closest it will come this year is in September.....
Monday Sep 28 2:54 AM 356,882 km 221,756 mi
so I hope that the midweek row organiser for that week in September will take full advantage and schedule a Wednesday row which takes full advantage of the (likely) extreme tidal range !!!