VHF Radios

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VHF Radios

After the rowing outing on Monday October 11th 2021  a damaged vhf radio was found in the store.

REPORT ANY DEFECTS YOU SEE (or cause), and please, please, please make sure they are turned OFF when finished using them - so that the next users don't find them flat!

The radio was one of our newest, was still switched on, and had a smashed alligator belt clip.
The latter requires severe maltreatment to happen. Similar forces would be likely to cause damage to internal components. The belt clip is not unduly expensive to replace (ca. £13) but if an internal, such as the battery, had succumbed the cost of parts ranges from about £34 to £192. !!!

Please take care of our radios as someone else's life might depend on them.

 🕑 The vhf will be returned to service when new parts have been fitted.
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Re: VHF Radios

The spare parts for the vhf have now arrived and the repaired item will be returned to the store tomorrow morning, (Thursday 25th Nov.).
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Re: VHF Radios

In reply to this post by nigel
At the time of return of the repaired vhf there were only. 2 vhf's in the store, not three.
Today (17th Dec) there is still one vhf missing.
 Has anyone any idea of its whereabouts?

I originally assumed that someone was using it for an individual outing, and would thus turn up again in the near future.
It's been gone a long time now...........so where is it???
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Re: VHF Radios

In reply to this post by nigel
On visiting the vhf store today the missing vhf radio was found to have been returned. It was damaged, still wet and had been placed inside the polythene bag containing the paper printed instruction manual.
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Re: VHF Radios

In reply to this post by nigel
Friday 26th January 2024
VHF number 4 was found to be missing its alligator CLIP.
It has disappeared within the last 10 days. Has anyone any idea of its whereabouts?
It is not immediately obvious in “The Cabinet”,  so is it lost, or damaged and needs replacing?

See my header statement above re these items. THEY MATTER!
(Plus costs have gone up since writing that bit on the forum)!
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Re: VHF Radios

In reply to this post by nigel
Yesterday, Wednesday July 10th 2024, we had an excellent turnout and 5 boats went out at the same time.

 We should have had 3 radios in store to use, so I brought along 2 of my own to supplement the club equipment. We could only find 2 radios in store, so one boat went out without “comms”.
 In the blustery conditions this showed up when there was some confusion about altered plans due to weather conditions.
We had several less experienced rowers present on this trip.
 It is important for the trip organiser to be immediately aware of changed conditions which may affect their (and everyone’s) safety!
On (safe) return to Langstone only ONE of the club VHF radios was returned to store. In spite of a quick search of the boat park, the TWO missing radios were not found.

Please would club members check their bags etc. for the TWO missing radios
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Re: VHF Radios

Greg Spencer
I opened the store and there were only two Icom radios in the  plastic box container which I passed on personally to two other boats (I don't recall who) as I with Nigel's in Gladys.  I also have my own personal Icom.
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Re: VHF Radios

Vernon Seddon
In reply to this post by nigel
There was one in Sweare Deep when we took the cover off today Nigel.